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Neon Genesis Evangelion: 2D culture and more (Part 2)


Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is considered by many to be Germany’s leading philosopher. In the work “Critique of Pure Reason” (Critique of Pure Reason), Kant has criticized both rationalist and experimentalism because each faction has certain limitations. Being a rational person (Kant was a huge fan of Newton) but Kant himself knew well that even reason has its limits.

So he proposed to “split” our reality into two “worlds”.
+ Noumenal world: This is the “world” beyond human cognitive ability, there exist “entities” such as “God”, “soul”. This is where “the world really is”. There exist “a priori”, ie “rules” that we humans must accept. Things that we know without having to go through verification or experimentation. Is the “knowledge” that people learn by mere reason. For example, “the shortest path between two points on a plane is always a straight line”. Another example can be mentioned is the law of supply and demand in economics. By the process of interpretive reasoning, when everything between integer and supply increases, we know that price will decrease, and vice versa. This is true anywhere or anytime as long as its conditions are guaranteed. So, without experimentation, it is easy to see the illogicality if someone claims that “The basic wage increase in California will not cause the loss of the number of jobs in Texas”.
Phenomenal world: This is the “world” that they experience. The experiences that we have through our senses, experiences, combined with the prior experiences in our mind, we gradually “mold” into our own world.

There will be you wondering that. On what basis did Kant claim the existence of a priori? If the a priori existed in the “noumenal world”, which Kant considered “beyond human cognitive ability” then how do we know that they existed from the beginning when the existence of the first Experiences must come from pure reason?

This is also the point where Hegel is not satisfied with Kant. Hegel agrees with Kant on the importance of reason in perceiving the world, but he feels that Kant has made the mistake of setting a “limit” on reason (human reason cannot be correlated. with noumenal world). Hegel’s ambition to use reason to “understand” all came to the so-called “absolute idealism”. There is also a major twist in Evangelion, a “people improvement” project that Seele and Ikari Gendo want to do.

Before going into the main part of the article, I want to say first that what I want to analyze next is not about the plot, ie Lilith, Adam, the spear of Longinus, then humans are descendants of Lilith, Angels are descendants of Adam. the type. It is available on the wiki. What I want to analyze is where these ideas come from and what their meaning is.

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